Dear Tic, any update on COIN ? thank you

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Hi Tic. So, by your tweet today, are you calling for an S & P of 3500?

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"These are exceptionally volatile times. I have not seen this level of heightened volatility in years even during the trade wars of 2016/2018 or even the volatility during the pandemic was not for this extended period of time. This may mean that volatility is here to stay for a bit longer. This volatility tries and taxes even the most experienced traders. I do think if I have had a rough patch for a few days now, instead of trying to force something good to come out of it, I will just wait and watch the action and learn as much as I can from it in terms of price action."

Thank you for this post! It's one I will re read several times...chock full of insights and instructive information to be gleaned.

Been a subscriber several months and starting to understand your content "next level" from where I began.

I appreciate the community you've created and you're ongoing training at prices most can afford.

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Hey Tic, I may switch from the monthly to yearly plan. Will the yearly plan price also remain the same?

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Hi Tic- Do you have suggestions on improving execution? I seem to struggle in that areas. Thanks

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What are your update targets for Gold. Are you still feeling push up to 2000? It’s reversed over last couple of days.

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Marvelous levels shared all week thank you Tic! If I can give one bit of advice for anyone joining it is to try and focus on one product only. For me it is now ES_F. I won't look back now, only forward. Thanks again, you're one of a kind

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I just wanted to say thank you sir for the great work you put in, and the knowledge you share with us. Will there be any more order flow posts in the future? Would love to learn more on how you analyze the flow.

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Thank you, Tic. From new member..

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Excellent post Tic! Thx for helping us navigate the day. Respect!

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Great work, appreciate it. Glad I joined!

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I like 4050 level today...

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I need tesla back to 1200 please

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Tic, thank you for sharing all the levels and thoughts. I am glad I am part of your community.

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Good to have traders like your self

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Tic you mentioned aapl last shoe to fall before long term bottom, where would that put TSLA down f aapl at low 140s? Thanks

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665-680 IMO

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Thank you. 🙏

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How about AMZN?

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